Latest 2023 Proton Hari Raya Ad Will Hit You Right In The Feels

Auto News
Thoriq Azmi | 15-04-2023 11:30 AM

Proton's latest Raya film is based on true events and features the original Saga. (YouTube screen grab)

With the annual festive Hari Raya Adil Fitri holidays looming, national carmaker Proton has gotten into the spirit fully by producing a special promotional film that premiered on Friday this week. Titled ‘Proton Raya 2023: Sarjan Saga’, it’s one Raya-themed film that’s bound to make you shed a few tears.

Yes, whilst this may be a promotional film of sorts, it's guaranteed to hit you in the feels strongly. More importantly, the film also subtly highlights an upcoming major milestone for the national brand, by which we mean the marque’s landmark 40th anniversary.

Central to the film's plot are the trials and tribulations of the late Sarjan Ismail . (YouTube screen grab)

To refresh your memory, Proton was incorporated on May 7, 1983, or a good two years or so before its first ever production model, the Saga, debuted in July 1985. Back to the latest Raya film and, unsurprisingly, the latter is a key element towards the film’s plot, which is based on actual events.

“Inspired by true events, this is a story of Sarjan Ismail’s personal saga, and the sacrifices he made as a father, for his family,” reads Proton’s apt description of its latest Raya film that depicts the trials and tribulations of an unsung hero who played a pivotal role in the carmaker’s history.

If you haven’t watched the film yet, you may do so via the embedded video below,  or by visiting the Proton Cars Official YouTube channel.

Besides releasing this highly touching Raya promotional film, the folks over at Proton have been hard at work this entire week. The marque launched a special B40-centric and festive Rahmah Service Campaign before hosting a special teaser press preview of the all-new X90 premium SUV offering.

Read our first impression of the new Proton X90 premium SUV by clicking here.

The latter, which stands as both the marque’s third Geely-sourced X-series crossover and its first electrified product, is now open for bookings. It’s also undergoing a nationwide tour at selected dealerships ahead of its official launch, which is slated to take place sometime after the Hari Raya holidays.

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